Monday, December 15, 2008

I promise.

Have you noticed something? I haven't done a review of anything since this summer. And even that was an exhortation to get you yahoos out to the movies. So here's a promise: When I get done with the Rebus series by Ian Rankin, I will review not one, not two, not even three, but the entire Rebus series, from "Knots and Crosses" all the way to "Exit Music". Along the way, if something catches my fancy, piques my interest, or grabs me by the cockles of my heart and shakes like a mad dog, then I'll write about it. 


fermicat said...

Holy crap! A new post!

Looking forward to those reviews.

NYPinTA said...


And did you do some rearranging in here?

ctheokas said...

Just a little. I was bored with the old setup.

LL said...

Dude... don't threaten us like that.