Thursday, September 11, 2008

Yet another post! I'll have something new next week, fer sure. I'm serving on a jury right now, and I'll talk about the case. I can't at the moment, but when it's all over, I'll spill the beans.

Until then, here are...

The Circle Jerks!!!!


Jenn said...

I always manage to get out of jury duty. Besides, it just reminds me of Pauly Shore.

ctheokas said...

In NYC they're much more strict now. You only get one get-out-of-duty-free card, and after that, you better be dead. They told us about this one guy who delayed six times, then acted like a prick to the lawyers and the judge. So the judge ordered him to sit for the whole trial, while not serving. He spent, like, three weeks just sitting in the jury room for the whole trial, and it didn't count towards his service.